Posted on December 5, 2018
BG Consultants was on site for the ribbon cutting on the new stretch of road in Morris County. BG Representatives Structural Project Engineer Dr. Moni El-Aasar, PhD, P.E., F.ASCE, along with Chris Becker BG's Construction Inspector for this project, were present to celebrate the completion of the project and opening of the newly improved roadway. The corner had been the previous site of accidents and close calls. The Council Grove Republican was on site and reported on the ribbon cutting - see their article here.
4-Mile Road southwest of Council Grove, KS is a major collector route connecting much of Southwest Morris County to Highway K177 and the county seat and carries around 125 vehicles per day. The route contains a series of nine curves within a three mile stretch. One of the curves was sharper than adjacent curves, on a steep grade, and had a culvert at one end with only 20’ between rails. This curve had been the site of numerous accidents.
BG Consultants assisted the county in applying for KDOT’s High Risk Rural Road Program. The project was selected and Morris County hired BG for the design and construction observation. The curve radius was increased, the 10% grade was reduced to about 5% and a new 78’ long culvert placed the ends outside the required clear zone. Additionally, asphalt surfacing was extended through the curve which was previously gravel surfaced. These improvements brought the design speed up to 35mph and the roadside up to current safety standards.
The site presented unique challenges in acquiring the Right-of-way needed to improve the curve, as the adjacent land had been enrolled in a federal prairie preserve program. BG performed an environmental impact study and assisted the County in negotiations with the US Dept. of Agriculture and the land owner resulting in the agreement to land swap. Adjacent land of similar environmental value was enrolled in the program in exchange for the land needed to improve 4-Mile Road.