Anderson County Space Needs Assessment

Garnett, KS

Anderson County Courthouse commissioned BG Consultants to perform a building envelope assessment. As functionality and performance of aging facilities is critical to continued optimal use, the County was looking for the best options to improve the building’s energy performance. BG architects evaluated exterior walls, attic space, doors, and windows to understand the envelope condition of the building relative to energy efficiency. They found that many elements of the building envelope, particularly the windows and doors, were well below energy code standards. Air infiltration due to lack of weatherproofing caused a drain on the heating and cooling loads required to maintain a satisfying interior environment, and in consequence, on the building’s energy consumption.

As part of the assessment, BG presented a report to the Anderson County Commissioners identifying problem areas and recommended solutions, associated costs and anticipated return of investment through life cycle costing. This report, along with an additional mechanical study performed by BG, presented a whole building system solution for the historic courthouse. BG is currently working with the County to replace their existing HVAC system and design building improvements.


Anderson County, Kansas
