Scranton Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station and WWTF Improvements
Scranton, KS
Before hiring BG Consultants, the City of Scranton had a deteriorating sanitary sewer collection system and was experiencing a tremendous amount of Rainfall Derived Inflow & Infiltration (RDII). This resulted in regular sanitary sewer overflows and lift station by-passes. BG authored a preliminary engineering report identifying all of the sanitary sewer system deficiencies and required rehabilitation improvements. The improvements were performed in two phases.
In Phase I, BG’s team inspected and evaluated 42,000 feet of clay sewer main, inspected manholes system-wide, and developed construction documents to address deteriorated collection system components. The construction plans included open trench excavation, fold and form sewer main lining, horizontal pipe jacking, cementitious manhole lining, and pipe reaming activities.
Phase II improvements included the complete rehabilitation of the east and main lift stations and piping and slope stabilization improvements at the wastewater treatment facility (WWTF).
BG worked closely with the City staff, contractor, and residents to ensure good communication throughout the project’s construction. Ultimately, Scranton’s entire system was rehabilitated, successfully reducing the RDII.