Udall Public Library and Wellness Center

Udall, KS

The City of Udall, KS employed BG Consultants to develop and design a new Library and Wellness Facility to be located at the heart of their downtown core. The project provided a new, updated space to house the municipal library while providing the community with its first outlet for public health in decades.

The Wellness Center consists of both an exercise/rehabilitation space and traditional medical offices. The rehab space will be open to the community 24 hours a day, providing access to weight and exercise machines and offering regular activities for all ages, ranging from senior yoga to toddler dance. Additionally, the space functions as a local rehabilitation center associated with the satellite medical care to be provided by the regional hospital in Winfield.

The library replaced an undersized, aging space located a block away. The new space replaced the previous dark, windowless building with an open and technologically connected space, flexible for future use as needs change. Adjacent spaces, able to be opened up into the main reading room, allow for use by community groups ranging from the quilting group to the latch-key program. Open exterior space provides room to both read a book and for kids to run.

The facilities provide the community of Udall with a new activity hub, bringing different ages together and combining multiple needed activities in one location. Project funding efforts included CDBG grant money and Hospital partnership.
